Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Time for the Percolator

Brace yourself, you might laugh out loud.
Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

P.S. Try this break extension. It might come in handy one day. ;)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dice Tricks

How do people find out they can do these things?

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Travelling Woes

The Oatmeal has hilarious posts. I can especially relate to this one with the security check illustration.
The crap we put up with getting on and off an airplane
Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

And the Verdict Is....

Stop the Madness!

As wrong as this is, I found this sketch quite hilarious, yet somewhat true. This Onion sketch provides humor within a subliminal message. Watch Below:

What do you think?


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Antoine Dodson is Everywhere

Anyone have predictions as to when Antoine Dodson will no longer be a household name? While you're thinking on it, check out this Bed Intruder Remix. 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Monday, January 24, 2011

Beat Box Cuisine

Wow, this is impressively creative and funny.

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011


Maybe he/she was flashed with a huge block of cheese to elicit this response.
Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Great Was Oregon Trail?

Oregon Trail along with other mentionables in the article below were defining qualities of the decade for kids in the 90s.

Things Us 90's Kids Realize Now (Part II)

It beats Adam West's portrayal back in 1000 B.C. It tops George Clooney's hard nipple bat suit and it damn sure beats Christian Bale's "on the toilet after eating Chipotle" Batman voice.
The morning after pill, whiteout, tape, glue, Ctrl+Z -- these are some of the great quick fixes in the world. BUT, none of them compare to blowing. That’s right, all it took was a huff, a puff and a blow into the cartridge and BOOM, it magically worked. Try blowing on your Call of Duty disc when it’s scratched, see if it works any better… (heads up, it won’t)
If there was ever a good time to watch grown men lather up in baby oil and fake fight, it was the 90’s. At least we had The People’s Eyebrow, Hulkamania and Stone Cold, what’s the excuse for watching muscley, lubricated men rasslin’ now?
Not once do I recall being even slightly scared by a Goosebumps book  --- but I was always thoroughly entertained. Now, “Are You Afraid Of The Dark?” -- that show made me double check under the bed and in the closet a couple times.
Silver Snakes, big stone faces, a cool host (by 90’s standards) and sweet competitions makes for the greatest game show ever. Double Dare and Wild & Crazy Kids aren’t far off though.
The shoes lit up. THEY F****** LIT UP! Unless someone invents a shoe that dispenses ice cream sandwiches and plays Bob Marley every time you take a step -- the LA Lights shoes will be second to none.
If you grew up in the 90‘s, surely you played & mastered Mortal Kombat. Kids today have fighting games with nice graphics and fancy controls, which is cool BUT I could kick your ass with 4 buttons and an arrow pad -- no control sticks necessary. Now-a-day any button masher can prosper on fighting games.
Give me an ox, some sunflower seeds, a Gatorade and a box of band-aids and I can trot the globe. Why? Because I played Oregon Trail and it literally taught me everything there is to know about 19th century pioneer traveling. That’s right. I’m a certified expert. A lot of kids today can’t even walk two blocks without a cell phone.
Nobody worth knowing doesn’t like Space Jam. It was a one of a kind movie for our youth. Only Michael Jordan could’ve pulled off that role. This new generation seems to think Kobe can compare -- WRONG. If Kobe played for the Tunesquad he’d kill team moral with his selfish, ball hog tendencies -- then he’d rape the girl Bunny.

I still make Space Jam references to this day. 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Have a Laugh

These parents seem to have a wild sense of humor. 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maino's Take on Being a Father

I don't know if you heard of the video where a father whooped his son's behind for posting fake "gangsta" pics online, (see video here) but Maino did his take on being that "father" and it's quite hilarious. Take a look:

And as the kids say - Whip Game Proper


Monday, January 17, 2011

How's Your Handwriting?

Talk about regression...I wouldn't be surprised if it's probably true for most of us.

How my handwriting has changed since Kindergarten


Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Short on Time?

Now you can work and eat without going through the trouble of finding an eating utensil. Behold this innovative 2-in-1 pen top. If you find out where these can be purchased, let me know. Lol, I kid, but maybe one day we will all be converted users.

Brace yourself as you go here. Ray Lewis had me laughing for a while, as evident by me refreshing the link 7 times. Enjoy!

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Glass Illusion

So I was watching this slightly unimpressed until the middle of the clip. "WOW, how did he do that?"

(Courtesy of @The_MrAnderson)

Happy Saturday!
Until the next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Friday, January 14, 2011

Japanese Precision


I can't do that, but I bet I'd be really good at this:
Anyone else wish they could be napping like a baby right now?

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

P.S. Here's a break extension.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No? To a panda?

What would you do if you were in one of these scenarios? 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

P.S. Happy Birthday to the Bro!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hogwarts, Anyone?

If I had been in this class, I probably would have choked on laughter. 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Monday, January 10, 2011

A *cough cough* New Dance...

I was TOO weak when B. Heard showed me THIS

and then I came across the video....iDied

And those faces were killing me! Too much in one day!


Start 'Em Young

My jaw literally dropped. Unfortunately, this child knows how to handle a cigarette like a pro. Two packs a day?!

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Everybody knows about MILFs (Moms I'd Like to F....well, you get it). Now, it's the guys on the come up. Below Van Der Beek shows us men we don't have to lose anything once we become is one of my favorite sites - check it out time to time for continuous humor.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Terrible Grades

By: Daryl Cagle, Daily Updating Political Cartoons

Maybe this shift in mindset is a contributing source of the grammatical errors found here. How many typos can you spot in this job listing?  (Link Courtesy of The Hungry Hutch)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Can We Ever Get Enough Pranks?

Warning: This had me laughing out loud in the library. So if you are in a place that requires your utmost seriousness then brace yourself or wait until later to watch. 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Piano Chat Improv

I've never heard of Chat Roulette before, but after seeing this video I would definitely try it out in hopes of finding a surprise like the one here. Kudos, sir.

On a more serious note, can someone please tell me what Spooge is?!
Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Future of Sneakers?

Would you don these convertible sneaks?

Need a break extension? This kept me entertained for 20 minutes. Maybe it was just boredom or perhaps the visual appeal and creation of different designs with this Flash app really did keep me going.

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Teach Me How 2 Study

So, with the start of a new school semester, I decided to provide some study tips for those who are still in school. Now these aren't necessarily my 8th graders per se, but they do a great job of getting the message out! Good luck with the new semester!

and for those of you who aren't familiar with the song, check it out here.
Your educating friend,


Monday, January 3, 2011

Parents Embracing Technology

Have you had moments when your parents embraced a new technology trend but seemed completely lost as to how to use it properly? If so, then you too can relate to DanOnAim. Check this out: 

Share your similar experience in the comments section. 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

Sunday, January 2, 2011


In lieu of Alabama's win in the Capital Bowl Game yesterday, I thought this would be appropriate! For those of you unfamiliar with Roll Tide, here's the description of the video as shown on its YouTube page: 
 "Roll Tide is a universal expression among 'Bama Nation', versatile and applicable in nearly every situation as a greeting, farewell or standard cheer or praise." 

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard

P.S. Roll Tide!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to Our Daily Break!

Are you bored at work? Need a quick distraction from a droning class lecture? Just want a breather in your day? You're in luck because Our Daily Break will provide a quick solution to all of the above. I have been coming across and sharing random finds here and there for a few years now. Since a reasonable amount of my time goes into this stress-relieving hunt, I feel the time has come for a more organized means of spreading the wealth. This blog will feature light hearted, funny, shocking, and random yet interesting content for an instant getaway. My comrade, Prezbo, and I will do our best to share the wealth daily. If you have befitting post ideas/content that you come across, please send them to for us to post your contribution.

Without further ado, here's the first break. I hope you enjoy it. I know I did.

Happy New Year! For all of you travelling, please be safe and don't let this be you! We will find a way to capture it! (Photo courtesy of lacollins)

Until next time when I'd like to...
B. Heard